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Hi Edu XR

More fun! More realistic!
" Realistic Education Hi-Edu XR! "


<Memory Effects by Learning Methods>
Analog(read, to write)
Digital(view, listen+view)
Realistic(speaking, actual behavior)
Realistic learning through multi-XR(ar,vr,ai) content can create various experiences and higher learning effects.
Children are not interested in books.
Children don't have enough concentration
during the classes.
Children don't seem interested in studying.
We are looking for a new and easy way to teach.
It is too difficult for education to use smart devices.
<Child / Student>
Studying is not fun.
Class is boring.
The contents of the textbooks / books are difficult.
We are sick of studying.
We want to have fun studying.
Realwith can produce various
textbooks by using XR (AR, VR, AI)
High Edu XR Features

Inducing self-directed learning through XR (AR, VR, AI) content.
(2.7 times more effective than general learning method)
UI UX optimized for realistic education.
Managing children at a glance through teacher's mode.
Individual and group learning is possible with multi-AR and VR functions.
Study with
AI characters!
Read the story books with them!
AR characters pop out of the book.
Children/ students read books, communicate with AR characters and it makes them induce self-directed learning and pay more attention.
You can immerse yourself in learning with XR content!
The famous places and regions in the world that are difficult to experience directly are naturally immersed in learning contents through virtual experiences (AR, VR, 360 View).
Easy to study with UI UX optimized for realistic education!
UI UX, optimized for realistic education make learners induces desire of winning and promote high motivation.
Educate more easily through teacher's mode!
Individual and group classes in schools and academies are available, and children / students can be managed at a glance
The teacher opens a Wifi class for students to enter,You can see at a glance the students who have accessed the class.
It is possible to immediately see what answers the students chose.
The teacher can add more questions for various classes.
After the class is over, if the teacher presses the end button, the student's result chart will be displayed.
< Example of teacher's mode screen >
Experience a variety of education, jobs and explore the world with AR characters at home, school or kindergarten.
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